Minuteman Protestors Rush Stage
Columbia Daily Spectator
Protestors took the stage less than five minutes after Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project, took the microphone in Roone Arledge Wednesday night, sparking a chaotic brawl involving more than 30 students, other attendees, and guests of the College Republicans.

And in the media orgy that has exploded since Wednesday:
NYTimes: Columbia Investigating Protest That Stopped Speaker
NYTimes: Silencing of a Speech Causes a Furor
LA Times: Minuteman Founder Forced From N.Y. Stage
Daily News: Minuteman College Talk Gets Violent
NY Sun: At Columbia, Students Attack Minuteman Founder
Original liveblogging of the event from the BWOG: Minuteman Mobbed
In addition, FOX News (on both the O'Reilly Factor and Hannity & Colmes), ABC, and MSNBC have also jumped on the bandwagon.

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