Friday, January 12, 2007


1. Diego Bauducco's Pictobrowser allows you to create slideshows of your Flickr photos. Above are some shots from the Malibu Lagoon.

2. Apparently, Cisco already patented the product "iPhone." Oops.

3. Speaking of the iPhone... can't wait for the real thing?

4. In response to a Business Week story called "Jammin' Like Crazy At Goldman," a blog smugly entitled "Leveraged Sell-Out" came up with a post about what i-banking really looks like. Thank god he's joking.

5. This video of an artist turning watercolor blobs into little cartoon characters is wonderful.

6. Understandably, I've become fascinated with various somethings-a-day projects. I've come across a few interesting examples, including Avid Liongoren's Project 365 (with drawings instead of photos), Paris Daily Photo, and the mp3-a-day 365 Days blog.

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